This regulation governs the use of Open Stage stations by artists registered on the Open Stage app (available for Android and iOS).

The regulation also covers Sound Underground stations installed in collaboration with ATM and Metro5 within the Milan metro. This regulation is applicable to artists falling under the description outlined in Article 2 of this regulation.

For associations, companies, and event organizers that do not fall under the artist definition as indicated in Article 2, a specific request can be sent to for more information.


A street artist (hereinafter referred to as “artist”) is defined as someone who expresses their art and creativity in public streets and squares without a predetermined compensation for performance and/or an admission fee for public participation, while retaining the option to collect voluntary donations.

By way of exclusive example, and not exhaustively, the following activities fall within this phenomenology: storytellers; street actors; clowns; puppeteers; dancers; musicians; one-man bands; street-bands; acrobats; jugglers. This definition also includes groups of artists performing under a single name and participating in the same artistic performance, such as musical bands and dance groups.

Within Open Stage stations, performance with a group of up to a maximum of 4 people is allowed. For safety reasons, artists must perform within a maximum area of 3 meters in width and 2 meters in depth from the position of the station.


To use Open Stage, a reservation is required through the dedicated app named “Open Stage,” available for Android and iOS.

After completing an “Artist” registration form and awaiting validation by Open Stage (within 72 hours), the artist can reserve one or two slots, each lasting 1 hour, from those offered by the app. Reservations are non-transferable. An artist unable to use a reservation can cancel it through the app.

An artist who does not utilize their reservation and does not request cancellation, leaving the slot empty, will be banned from the reservation system for 3 months.

Performance is subject to the artist/artists’ acknowledgment of this regulation, which constitutes full acceptance of its contents.


The use of Open Stage is free for artists. The Open Stage app download is also free. Additionally, artists are exempt from paying fees for occupying public space.

For stations within the Milan metro, artists must have a valid travel pass and validate it. In metro stations, travel passes must be validated at entry and exit gates. Furthermore, artists must notify the station operator of their arrival and departure after the performance.


By accepting this regulation, the artist releases Open Stage, ATM, Metro5, and all other potential future partners from any liability and obligations toward SIAE and other collecting societies for the potential use of copyrighted works. Simultaneously, the artist commits to independently fulfilling any necessary obligations.


The user is aware that, according to Law No. 633 of April 22, 1941, and subsequent amendments and integrations, creative works belonging to literature, music, visual arts, architecture, theater, and cinematography are protected, regardless of the manner or form of expression. The reproduction and/or public performance of a protected work within the scope of the artistic-expressive activity carried out by the user presuppose that the artist(s) fulfills all obligations related to the use of protected works as required by current regulations, also obtaining the necessary permission from SIAE (Italian Society of Authors and Publishers). Through this automated service, the municipal administration allows the reservation of city spaces for the free practice of street art, without any organizational involvement in the proposed activities. The user releases the administration from any and all liability regarding the potentially used protected works, as well as any legal and practical obligations, particularly those specified by the Italian Society of Authors and Publishers (SIAE).


By accepting this regulation, the artist undertakes not to use Open Stage to disseminate advertising messages or content that could be deemed obscene, immoral, violent, offensive, and/or discriminatory toward individuals and social groups.


The artist will be held responsible for any damages to Open Stage that are confirmed during the time slot in which it was used. If the artist identifies any damages prior to their use, they are obligated to report them by sending an email to with photos and a brief description of the damages.

Furthermore, it is the artist’s responsibility to close the stage door at the end of their performance in order to avoid liability in the event that any damages are discovered after their performance and the door has not been properly closed.


In stations where applicable (each station is described on the Open Stage app), the artist is provided with a mixer featuring 4 combo channels (jack/XLR cannon) and an integrated amplification system, as well as a 220V household power outlet for connecting small instruments (guitar pedals, keyboards, etc.) with a maximum consumption of 1kW.

Under no circumstances can the artist use additional speakers or amplification devices beyond what is built-in. Cables and other equipment (microphone and stand, instruments, etc.) are not provided to the artist, who must therefore arrange for their transport and temporary installation for the performance at their own expense.

For safety reasons, the length of jack/XLR cables and any audio or electrical extensions is limited to a maximum of 3 meters.


The artist is not allowed to install or position any structures, including but not limited to gazebos, chairs, sets, etc.


The personnel of Open Stage, ATM, and Metro5 may conduct random checks regarding improper system use, banning offenders from the reservation system for a period ranging from 3 to 12 months, on a case-by-case basis, and may also order the deletion of the artist’s account for more severe violations.

For stations installed in the Milan metro, artists are also required to comply with the PASSENGER REGULATIONS FOR METRO LINES, displayed in metro stations and on trains, and available on the website Violations of the provisions contained in the aforementioned regulation are sanctioned in accordance with the law. ATM and Metro5 staff responsible for surveillance and control are authorized to ascertain and report violations within their jurisdiction.


Open Stage, in agreement with ATM, Metro5, and other potential future partners, reserves the right to modify this regulation at any time without prior notice.

The app will notify the artist of the modification, and the artist must accept the new regulation to continue using Open Stage. 


Open Stage may interrupt the operation of Open Stage at any time and for any reason without the obligation of prior notice. Artists will be informed of interruptions through the app. Furthermore, for stations within the Milan metro system, in the presence of critical situations or emergency conditions requiring the rapid evacuation of a metro station, ATM and Metro5 may interrupt the performance at any time, and instructions provided by personnel, directly or through audio announcements and posted instructions in all stations, must be followed.


Open Stage, ATM, and Metro5 may cancel reservations that are deemed incompatible with ongoing events and/or may pose risks or inconveniences to the community. Artists whose reservations are canceled will be notified through the app.


Open Stage exercises complete autonomy in selecting artistic proposals that register as “Artists” on the app, committing to evaluate and potentially validate accounts within 72 hours of registration. The selection process is not meant to be censorial in nature, but rather aims to remove individuals who do not adhere to the principles and characteristics outlined in Article 2 of this regulation.